Message Board/皆様からのメッセージ・26

(匿名 2008年5月8日)

A wonderful website. Thank you for the drawings.
(Vic Parekh, USA 5.6.2008 )

Thank you for the web site.  Please tell what the artist did after the war.  What year did he return to Japan?  What was his profession in Japan?
(Gregory Melle, Canada 5.5.2008 )

I want to thank you so much for drawing these pictures and writing these words, they brought real warmth to my heart. Thank you again, your site is wonderful.
(Ian, Britian 5.5.2008 )

Your drawings are an unexpected delight, with a definite "anime" quality - the honest impressions of an innocent abroad. Very few people could have endured what you did, with such a lack of bitterness. As Isaiah said: "To the pure, all things are pure."
Good luck to you.
(Gordon Galland, Canada 5.5.2008 )

An absolutely beautifully recounted story, someone should make a film of it! I have never been to Japan, but I did spend three years in Nanjing in China, I think it would do many Chinese good to read this, as it shows that Japanese people are human beings also. Maybe you should get it translated into Chinese?
(Gilman Grundy, UK 5.5.2008 )

(匿名 2008年4月25日)

(岩井 2008年4月17日)

(匿名 2008年4月17日)

thank you for drawing and telling your story. I think people can really enjoy the point of view of a kind man in such a tragical page of world history. Thank you, I'll be happy today, thinking your wonderful story. Many regards from an italian friend. Francesco
(Francesco Fabbri, Italy (Bologna) 3.6.2008 )

(匿名 2008年2月25日)

 2月11日に感想を書かせていただいたチカチェックです。 早速ですがチェコ人の友達に、ビュラシュキさんという名前について聞いたところ、シュキとつく名前はポーランドに多いらしく、そちらに住んでいたチェコ人ではないかとのことでした。どちらにしても、時代が変わってもどんな状況下でも他国の方と心を通わせることができるのは嬉しいことだなと思いました。ありがとうございました。
(チカチェック 2008年2月19日)

It is a wonderful story and a very good site. Unfortunately humanity is not mature enough to get rid of wars, aggression and misunderstanding. But it is a real pleasure to get another evidence that in all nations there are people who keep seeing and praising the good in people, in spite of all difficulties. Let's hope there will be more. Arigato for the story. Спасибо!
(Anton, Russia 2.12.2008 )

thanks for giving us some insight into that really bad and brutal time of your life! my grandfather has been in russia as a prisoner too, but never told me anything about that.. arrigato, erik
(erik , Austria 2.11.2008 )

 はじめまして。画集を拝見させていただきました。私は今までシベリア抑留についてまったく知りませんでした。祖父が数年抑留されていたことは知っていましたが、どのような状況だったかも、どんなつらい体験をしてきていたかも祖父は話したくなかったようで私たちには一切話すことは無かったです。(祖父は10年前に亡くなりました) 今回なぜ知ろうと思ったかというと、友人の祖父が(チェコ人)で同じようにシベリアに抑留されていたことを聞いたからです。 そして画集について感想を送らせていただいた理由は、あの過酷な中で木内さんが感じられた”世界は友達だ”という思いを何もできない私ですが、私も受け継いでいきたいなあと思ったからです。 簡単そうで一番難しいことだと思いますが、私の友達を大切に、チェコ人の友達を大切にその家族を大切に、その友達も… 最初はシベリア抑留について調べることが悲しくてたまりませんでしたが、何か私の中でそれだけではない気持ちも生まれてきました。 こうして忘れられてはいけない歴史を画集として残してくださって本当にありがとうございます。
(チカチェック 2008年2月11日)

I'm writing you from Istanbul/turkey. I'm a journalist who's writing articles for one of the one most popular newspaper in istanbul. I've saw your drawings and read the story and want to use your drawings to our papers mag. (you can see the adress url) if its possible for you I really want to have your drawings and make an interview with you. Waiting for your answer. sincerely selin ozavci
(selin ozavci , Turkey 2.11.2008 )

Thank you for publishing this pictures. I liked them. I live in Ukraine and I even have relatives in Slavyansk. I never heard about japaneese prisoners before. I respect Japan very much. I had even read some japaneese books (in translation) - "Hagakure" and "Book of five rings"
(Doktor, Ukraine 2.10.2008 )

Thanks for this great view into history. I love the wonderful drawings. Thanks also to the translator and the site creator for making this happen. : ) Peace.
(Tice, Germany 2.10.2008 )

Many good wishes to Japan, I felt familiar with these drawings, because my Uncle (now 83) made very similar, when he was POW in Russia. I got a lot of them (in copy) from him. I sent an email to my cousin. He would like  to show him your very good site. With regards to your father, Klaus Hage
(Klaus Hage, Germany 2.9.2008 )

This is truly a beautiful site and quite touching! Thank you so much with sharing this fascinating work with us!
(S., Germany 2.9.2008 )

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