Message Board/皆様からのメッセージ・33

really apreciated your nice website and the wonderful pictures of your grandfather. There is a calm, simple philosophy in those pictures that is still active nowadays, i felt it! Thanks, Guido
(Guido, Italy 12.12.2011 )

Dear Mr.Kiuti Masato. I was very pleased when I found this presentation in the Internet. After second world war all nations had a hard work and it's good when some people remember lessons from the past. Nationalism is the worse thing in the world. Excuse me for my bad English.
(Anton, Russia 11.8.2011 )

(匿名 2011年10月31日)

Dear Masato Kluchi. If Russian and Japanese acting like your father was with something like the notorious unit 731, then the picture would have been a different kind. More specifically they would never have been. It is unlikely that your father would be able to draw like him still alive satisfied with vivisection, cutting out one body after another, as are infected with anthrax, as placed in a pressure chamber, watching the agony. Russian from Japanese captivity does not nourish. About the Chinese generally silent. Maybe your father even today is the courage to tell the Japanese not only about how it was fed rice in Soviet captivity, but also about his actions leading up to this prisoner. And it may give the impression that for him once the war began with the captivity.(Pastuh, USSR 3.1.2011 )
(Rory, Belarus 8.18.2011 )

Buon Giorno! per me e un vero piaccere di leggere i racconti del suo papa. sono ruso e per me el tema della guerra e importante. Creo che il suo padre non ha preso dalla russia il odio. la guerra e una cosa terribile! grazie.
(Alex, Russia 7.24.2011 )

Dear Mr.Kiuti Masato, Thank you for your presentation. Your father is really kindhearted peaceful man with inborn good qualities of hardworking Japanese people. It happened that I lived in my childhood in Japan with my family in 1944-1948. My father was a member of Soviet diplomatic stuff in that period stationed in Tokyo. I wll remember the terrible demolition of Tokyo by American air raids and the hardship of Japanese citizens in the postwar period. The Russians had the same situation in these years after our war with Germany. I can understand the reason the German prisoners of war were held in our country as a labor force used for reconstruction of all the devastated places caused by German army during their military actions on our territory. But I am very sorry that the Japanese soldiers like your father were held in severe conditions in our country. It was a cruel deed made not by Russian people but by our Soviet politicians. The politicians of many countries very often we have themselves like crazy dogs and the ordinary people must pay with their sweat, blood and lives for their dark doctrines, vanity and even just whims. Please pass to your father my spasibo(domo arigato) and best wishes for your family.
(Yuri, Russia 4.8.2011 )

I suspect that my message did not come to you and I did some error when wrote. I think that my father, Valeriy Pokrovsky was one of the heroes of yours father story. It's  very good story, great story, and when I found in this srory the name of my father I was fascinated. Maybe my father was was the friend of your father. He was a war pilot, he was a captain, he lived in Ukraine that time, and he had some connection with camps. And he was that particularly good and friendly man, whom I found in your father's story. He died in 2002 and I miss him. I can give you some photos and your father will have opportunity to meet his dead friend. Sorry and good wishes, Yours  Vladimir
(Vladimir Pokrovsky, Russia 3.5.2011 )

Это самое лучшее из прочитанного мною за последний год... あなたの本をありがとう!
(Евгений Савин, Россия 3.3.2011 )

Уважаемый Масато Клучи. Если бы русские действовали аналогично японцам и Ваш отец оказался где нибудь типа пресловутого отряда 731, то картинки были бы совсем иного рода. Точнее их бы вообще не было. Вряд ли Ваш отец смог бы нарисовать, как ему ещё живому устраивают вивисекцию, вырезая один орга за другим, как заражают сибирской язвой, как помещk! 2;ют в барокамеру, наблюдая за агонией. Русские из японского плена не возращались. Про китайцев вообше молчу. Может быть Вaшему отцу хотя бы сегодня стоит набраться смелости и поведать японцам не только о том, как его кормили рисом в советском плену, но и о его деяниях, предшествовавших этому плену. А то может сложится впечатление, что для него война началась сразу с плена.
(Pastuh, USSR 3.1.2011 )

Thanks to you for this history. grate thaks. i proud to know that we live on one planet together. thanks
(kirill, Russia 2.28.2011 )

Очень хороший рассказ.А главное в нем нет злости к народу с которым воевал и сидел в плену.Наш город тоже помогали строить японские военнопленные.Я тоже воевал правда совсем в другой войне...И пока не могу избавиться от ненависти к бывшим врагам.Может этот рассказ поможет и мне простить.
(Олег.Петренко, Россия 1.6.2011 )

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