Message Board/皆様からのメッセージ・32

(やす 2010年7月5日)

Thank your very, very much! You bring Russian nearer to Japanese. It's very important for us. You fother is beautiful.
(Anna, Russia 4.17.2010 )

Heh. And you never thought that the harsh living and working conditions helped so many Japanese soldiers cleared of the horror of war in China. You know that many of the later recalled with good in mind for this prisoner. Though they condemn others for it and they were forced to remain silent. Yes samurai family horror of war is natural. But the simple peasant - no. He needs redemption in front of his memory after that. And by the way that you understand. I am a quarter Japanese, though I do not know the language. My grandmother was from the Kuril Islands. Her father went to war and his mother that something happened that the girl could not speak when she was taken to an orphanage in Petropavlovsk.She was taken to thieves hunted on the islands immediately after the war and one of them gave her his name. My grandfather fought in the army 39. He was only 17 years old when he and his friend going into the patrol when them suddenly ran out of the Japanese colonel and killed with the sword of his friend.  My grandfather Paul blew from the PPSh that colonel half of the skull and then told how his brains spilled on the ground. This made him unconscious sadistic. The elder brother of my grandfather - Peter was killed in the assault Iturup. And after the war when my grandma grew up, they met and married with my grandpa. Also, my ancestors fought against the Germans and now my sister is married to a German and two children came though when their great-grandparents could kill each other. You see - life is more complicated death. The fact that it seems such a tragedy can not be. After all, for whom it is better to simple solutions, but for someone the complex and each gives his or her fate, though he sometimes can not be fully aware of this. 
Pavel Astahov
Sorry I did not know that you do not understand in Russian. Russian section of the site is done very well.
(Pavel Astahov, Russia 1.18.2010 )

Very-very interesting! My grandmoher remembers Japanese prisoners. She tells as her mother desided to feed their potatoes, when she had been worked in open-cast mine. But captured had'nt any plate. Women had boiled whole bucket potatoes and did'nt know what she had to do. Prisoners showed that was necessary to throw out potatoes right at the sand. But the women were hesitating... At that time the supervisor had come to their and called to go out. It was necessary to throw out the potatoes just at sand... When girls looked back they had seen that hungry men were eating the potatoes with sand. They were very thin. You well done that had passed the horrors of the war and can to tell about it with the humour! Your pictures are talented! Good health for you!
(svetlana, ukraine 1.10.2010 )

Kiuchi -- I am looking forward to "digesting" your site, but for the moment could you please share with the info on the beautiful piano music on your site? George Winston? thx Richard Los Angeles, CA
(Richard, USA 1.1.2010 )

Before writing this message, I had red all other messages and cannot add too much. This is a very interesting and 100% professional web site - and it is very touching. Actually, I am searching background material for my book - about Japan POW in Kazakhstan. Can you help me with finding the web-sites?
(Attila, Hungary 12.12.2009 )

Спасибо! Спасибо что Вы живы и имеете силы рассказывать об этом. Спасибо.
(Игорь, Россия 12.8.2009 )

Хех. А вы никогда не думали что тяжелые условия жизни и труда помогли очень многим японским солдатам очистится от ужаса тех зверств что они совершили в Китае. Вы ведь знаете что многие потом вспоминали с добром в душе об этом плене. Хоть их за это осуждали другие и они вынуждены были молчать. Да самурайскому роду ужас войны естественен. Но прl! 6;стому крестьянину - нет. Ему нужно искупление перед своей памятью после этого. И кстати чтобы вы поняли. я на четверть японец хоть и не знаю языка. Моя бабушка была с Курильских островов. Её отец ушёл на войну а с матерью произошло что то что девочка не могла говорить когда её доставили в детский дом в Петропавловске. Её доставили воры промышляв! 096;l! 0;е на островах сразу после войны и один из них дал ей свою фамилию. Мой дед воевал в составе 39 армии. Ему только 17 лет, на его глазах на его друга выскочил японский подполковник и зарубил мечом его друга. Мой дед Павел снёс из ППШ этому подполковнику полчерепа и потом рассказывал как его мозги вывалились на землю. Старший брат моего деда - Пётр погиб &#! 1087; ! 88;и штурме Итурупа. А после войны когда девочка выросла они встретились и поженились. Также мои предки воевали против немцев а сейчас моя сестра замужем за немца и двое детей появились хотя когда то их прадеды могли убить друг друга. Видите - жизнь сложнее смерти. То что кажется трагедией может таковым и не быть. Ведь для кого то лучше простые ре! 096;k! 7;ния, а для кого то сложные и каждому судьба даёт своё, хоть он порой и не может этого полностью осознать.
(Павел Астахов, Россия 12.1.2009 )

Dear mr. Nobuo! Thank you for your interesting story full of brigthly colored situations and people. It was a real pleasure for me to look your pictures and read all stories. I'm 27-old historian fron Novosibirsk (Russia, Siberia). The fact is that now I'm working on my book about Sake Cups and memorial items related with the Imperial Army of Japan 1868-1945. Can you help me wit some special moments? As I've learn from your site, you served in airborn troops. Can you remember any memorial and award items like sakazuki or tokkuri, connected with airborn troops? May be there were some rituals connected with those items? On your website I saw your photo with Japan flag weared around your neck. Can you explain the meaning of it? In my research is very important to found former soldiers and officers, who can tell some interesting and non-official facts and stories.
Scincerely yours, Alexey Pronin, PhD.
(Alexey Pronin, Russia - China 12.1.2009 )

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