Message Board/皆様からのメッセージ・28

I never ead anything before about Japanese in post-War Soviet Union. I knew about it from college in the 1970s but that was all. The most "suprising" thing to me -though not "shocking"- was the JCP harranging POWs. I would have expected Soviet commissars to have been doing that. I had -he's dead now- a 2nd cousin in my home town that was a POW in Nihon. He didn't have a pleasant time either. I worked in Nihon years ago, and had a tokotai (kamiwashi) as a history teacher --so I understand a little about Japan.
(Hasanhh, USA 8.20.2008 )

 ドニエプル出版という出版社を営んでいる小野元裕です。自分史、戦争体験を主に編集し、出版しています。貴HPを拝見し、体験が生々しく表現されているのに驚き、心動かされました。本にして出版されていますか? もしまだでしたら、ぜひご検討下さい。HPも力を持っていますが、本はまた別の力を持っています。何卒よろしくお願い致します。
(小野元裕 2008年8月16日)

 木内信夫様へ 小生にとって何故か懐かしく思える画集拝見させて頂き有難う御座いました。小生、縁あってハバロフスク市内にアパートを持ち日本とハバロフスクを往ったり来たりしております。友人の父上がハバロフスクのタランジャで抑留中死亡されていた事を最近知り木内様の画集がより身近に感じられます。バイカル地方を初め日本人墓地を何箇所か訪れましたが、今後は機会あるごとにもっと多くの方々の御冥福を祈る為ロシアの地方を訪れたいと思っております。御子息様ともども益々の御活躍をお祈りいたしております。
(木俣 常雄 2008年8月7日)

Just visited your site. Really liked those pictures & the comments. God bless you & your grandpa.
(Bat-Erdene Altankhuyag, Mongolia 8.5.2008 )

Благодарю Киути Масато за создание этого сайта. Прочитал с большим интересом, спасибо! Сожалею, что знакомство Вашего отца с нашей страной произошло при таких печальных обстоятельствах...
(Igor Sergiienko, Ukraine, Kiev 8.4.2008 )

Antonio asks to translate your the page into spanish language.
(Konstantin, 8.2.2008 )

Podrú}n traducir esta bella página también al espaé?l... Saludos.
(Antonio, España 8.2.2008 )

 貴重な絵を拝見させていただきありがとうございました。いま ちょっとしたことでいがみあう雰囲気の中、絵とエッセイにある収容所の方々の温かさに励まされました。大戦から何十年経とうと、この価値は色あせることはないと思います。
(勝 美樹子 2008年7月29日)

 木内信夫様へ 小生は72歳の男性です。小生のブログの上で木内さんの貴重なブログをご紹介して置きました。「第二次大戦でロシア人が2450万人死んだことを忘れないようにしよう 」という題目の記事の後半で、下記のように、ご紹介いたしました。すぐに感動したというコメントも貰いました。有難う御座いました。
(藤山杜人 2008年7月29日)

(くやなほむ 2008年7月28日)

ム・跖鱚 闔聳謫蜻鰰, ・迸鉈驫蒹 骼諢瑩暿1945 胛蔘 鈞磊・ ハ頸瑯? ハ鴈 驟纈 矼鱚陞- 鴈髷闔肆轢纈 蒼顰.
(第褞鉋, CCCP 7.28.2008 )

(david, France 7.28.2008 )

The now distant days of that war are only in the pages of our history books, the voices that recall the time are passing at ever faster rates. Thank you for this look into this part of our worlds history.
(Jose P Tassara, Chile 7.26.2008 )

This was a great website!  I read the entire site.  Wonderful historical work.  Thanks!
(drichter, USA 7.22.2008 )

I was so touched by the story. And I'm very happy that your Father does not feel anger at people in Russia. I feel shame for what's happend, what my people did. What war did. Thank you so much for the story. I wish peace to your family and to us all. :) And my geepest respects to your Father. P.S. Please, forgive my poor English.
(Helen, Russia, Ural 7.8.2008 )

This true story arise very warm feelings inside me. It seems to me sometimes, that Japanese and Soviet (Russians) are so much like each other, maybe more than others can imagine... Serving in army, I've got familiar with some things described - open air toilets, weeks under rain in a tent (of course, in 1992 it was not connected for us with any risk to life) - that is why it is interesting to compare impressions. I know, how brave Japan soldiers were, about the cooperative will and spirit, that can be stronger than death... And it's so sad to be buried in distant land years after war end. So sad... Were there somebody in POW camps from Shumshu or Paramushir islands (Kataoka naval base and Kasivabara town) with you? Searching for Japan veterans, especially aircraft technicians.
(Sergey Agapov, USSR (Russia) 6.19.2008 )

I'm very impressed by talent and kindness of your father and I'd like to thank him (and you) for these great pictures and stories. I wish you both health, peace and good luck.
(Katja, Russian Federation 6.19.2008 )

Excellent! Thank you! K.
(Kostas Koukoumpris, Greece 6.17.2008 )

Thank you very much, Kiuchi-san. Thank you for the veracity and... kindness and humanism of your stories, so... life-asserting. Most of all I was impressed by the story about a German orchestra preparing to perform and finally arranging a concert of the traditional Japanese music. Surely that was an enchanting sight. How about a.. movie?
(Alex, Russia 6.16.2008 )

Thank you for your work ! you keep the eyes of young on the mistakes of past ... let there never be any war again ....thank you one more time for brilliant , stylish art , and crystal clear , very kind stories in your pictures . i haven`t found a word "enemy in your work , and that keeping me belitving in good , believing that world is really full of friends !!!!!! Good Luck !!!!! be healthy !!!
(Mihail, Russia 6.16.2008 )

Big Thanks for you work! Let's be Peace.
(sergey, Russia 6.16.2008 )

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